
Women in Business Lunch - HenHouse Shoppe

Women in Business Lunch - HenHouse Shoppe

Description: We’re hosting a Women in Business Lunch featuring guest speaker Emily Dennis, owner of HenHouse Shoppe on Tuesday, July 16th, from 11:30 AM-1:00 PM in the Chamber Board Room, 18 Campbell Street, Luray.

Emily will be speaking on The Ceiling Is You, facing our inner limitations that keep us from building the next floor of business.

Lunch will be provided by Main Street Bakery and Catering and will be $20 for Chamber Members and $25 for Potential Members.

If you’re interested in attending, please RSVP to events@luraypage.com or (540)743-3915 by Friday, July 12th.


Location: LPCCC Board Room, 18 Campbell Street, Luray


Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/1170033074148366/